They’re coming to take me away today ho ho, ha ha

Zero Hedge reports that the Madoff Bankruptcy Trustee has subpoened records from Jeffries and Co. I can’t imagine what that small trading bank has done to attract attention but I’m sure they’ve displeased someone. I’m also pretty sure that this subpoena is just the first of many to come. Are you going to be home next week, Walt, or will Monica accept service on your behalf?


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3 responses to “They’re coming to take me away today ho ho, ha ha

  1. Walt

    It was Ezra – not me. how many times have I told you that? What with the Alzheimers and all, I keep forgetting. What were we talking about?
    Your Friend,

  2. Walt

    And keep an eye on 175 Round Hill while I am gone. Stop in for a drink if your in the neighborhood!!
    Off to the beach!!

  3. pulled up in OG

    Pssst . . . hey Walt. Wanna buy a Smash-Me Bernie doll?

    NEW YORK (AP)– Mad at disgraced investor Bernard Madoff? There’s a toy just for you. One of the vendors at this week’s Toy Fair is offering the “Smash-Me Bernie,” a $99.95 Madoff lookalike doll that wears a devil-red suit and carries a pitchfork. It comes with its own hammer – so you can pulverize it.