Taxpayer Tea Party in Stamford

Who knew? At least one reader has suggested that we throw one here in Greenwich but I wasn’t so inclined, partly because my protest days went by sometime in 1970 or so and also because I figured Greenwich taxpayers protesting taxes would be so stereotypical that we’d be the laughing stock of the country.

But I’m reconsidering: the people rallying at these events are exactly the type who don’t “do” protests, and in view of the main stream media’s studied refusal to cover these demonstrations, maybe the magic name of Greenwich, plus the concept of the geese that lay the golden eggs threatening to go on strike would force the press to take notice. Maybe.

In the meantime, here’s a picture of the Stamford protest. I’m astonished to see Democrat activist and local politician Frank Farricker there. He’s the one in the pink bunny suit. The bicyclist way, way back on the fringe? Franklin Bloomer.



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2 responses to “Taxpayer Tea Party in Stamford

  1. Front Row Phil

    And isn’t that you, CF, on the far left wearing the white tights and 3-cornered hat? I think a tea-party demonstration in G’wich is a fine idea. The wealthy are more entitled than anyone to protest the confiscatory policies that are brewing.

    • christopherfountain

      Well yeah – after all, it’s their money we’re talking about taking. I was thinking, since these things attract all sorts of kooks with their own issues, I could set up a light bulb exchange – bring in a CFL and receive an incandescent in return, plus we could mail the CFL’s to our Congressman and shut down the Congressional mailroom with a mercury dust storm. Cool!