Another politician dodging blame

Tragic day at the zoo

Tragic day at the zoo

Mayor de Blasio is still refusing to take responsibility for the tragic death of “Charlotte”, the groundhog he dashed to the ground in a fit of pique last February. Echoing Obama’s usual defense in these types of matters, Hizzonor said,

“I found out as all of you found out,” de Blasio said Monday. “I had no idea previously.”

It’s true the mayor didn’t kill the poor beastie on the GW Bridge and tie up traffic for days – at least he didn’t do that – but his denials and evasiveness set a poor example for the city’s schoolchildren.



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2 responses to “Another politician dodging blame

  1. Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky… coincidence?

  2. anonymous

    One-upping Greenwich Gal’s great douche bag comment earlier for the teen who rushed onto the football field, here’s THE perfect descriptor for deBlasio (and many others). Love it.