Stupid is as stupid does

The kooks at are swooning over Chris Dodd’s transformation from flunky of the banks to a “Consumer Advocate”. Why, the desperate Senator will no longer give the financial industry lobbyists the time of day during this election cycle and the Nutmeggers are all atwitter. The Iowa campaign, the decades spent in the trousers of the bankers, all is forgiven and forgotten, because Dodd has been reborn. Could they be that stupid? Rhetorical question.

In the meantime, the same folks are outraged over Jim Hime’s refusal to toe whatever their line is and they’re screaming betrayal. In this case, they’re probably right. Himes owes his puny political presence to the nutcakes and to discard them now while trying to creep slightly to the center pisses them off and does nothing to assuage the right. Those of us nuts over on this side of the debate are after his blood and no amount of pandering will earn our support. See the difference between right wing kooks and the leftnuts? We;re not as dumb.

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