Will Riverside’s Scott Frantz challenge Cos Cob’s Jim Himes?

That’s the rumor I’m hearing. Frantz, so it’s said, is bored to tears sitting in our state legislature (and what normal human being wouldn’t be?) and is chafing to go after Himes. Stu McKinney’s kid, a middling lawyer with no other experience that I’m aware of, is said to have failed at fund raising for his own campaign, leaving the door open for Mr. Frantz. Sound like a plan to me.


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18 responses to “Will Riverside’s Scott Frantz challenge Cos Cob’s Jim Himes?

  1. Reader

    McKinney is Minority Leader in State Senate. He has been there for several terms. That’s a lot of experience… a lot more than Himes.

  2. Accolay

    Uh oh! Battle of the neighborhoods? Although it’s rumored that the next President will be from mid country. ; )

  3. jrh

    Himes should be so lucky to have Frantz run against him.

    I’d love for someone who thinks Himes has no experience to tell me what experience Frantz has that qualifies him. Inherited wealth? Fund manager (you’re right, that will play really well with voters)? 8 months in the Connecticut State Senate, and he thinks the biggest legislative priority is repealing the estate tax? Give me a break.

  4. Cobra

    Given the choice between Himes and Frantz, the latter wins my vote by a landslide.

    I don’t care that Scott has little legislative experience. I’d rather have an apparently bright individual with no lust for taking $2,000 bribes from Madame Pelosi for her purchase of his vote.

    Hell…I’d vote for Charles Manson or John Wayne Gacy before I’d vote for Himes, or Dodd for that matter. How did Connecticut win the Lizard Lottery?

  5. Anonymous

    Scott Frantz is a first class guy who would represent Connecticut well. He’s built a business, and he knows what it’s like to sign the front of the check, not the back of the check. He’s got great values and the character to stand up for them. When asked about his Senate seat, he expresses the sense of honor and gratitude for the opportunity to serve the people.

    Himes has no prior legislative experience and was never anything more than a minor cog in the GS leviathan. Once in office, Himes turned his back on Fairfield County and his former GS colleagues so fast, it was obvious that he was more interested in advancing his career as a Pelosi minion than in representing his constituency. Loyalty, sense of duty and service? Completely absent in Himes.

    Scott Frantz gets my vote.

  6. concerned

    let’s put up a good candidate period! if he [frantz] can win fine if not let’s get someone who can.

  7. cos cobber

    This is one zip code battle I’d be happy to lose.

  8. Pete

    I’ve got a feeling that Frantz would not have voted for the cap and tax. Enough said.

  9. kidding really?

    Remember our current President never ran a business, never balanced a budget as an elected official, never passed any legislation as a state senator or as senator of IL. Who needs experience? When you have no experience and you want to gloss over it call it hope or fresh ideas…

    If he looked like his mom Hillary Clinton would be President.

  10. jrh

    I have no idea what the $2,000 bribe comment is all about, but if you’re referring to the routine and small campaign contribution made by the Pelosi campaign to the Himes campaign on the eve of the closing period for the second quarter, you’re just revealing a total ignorance of how campaign finance works.

    You think votes are bought for $2,000? Just that on its own is laughable. Furthermore, why are you at all surprised that Congressman Himes voted for a bill he campaigned on?

  11. anonymous

    As long as CT’s income tax rate stays at 5%, vs NYC’s 13% and CA’s 10%, priority should be on donating to whichever moron politicians who can help stem tide of communism and overtaxation from Wash, not silly local issues which are rounding error to anyone of means

  12. sue

    Scott Frantz knows how to run a business, has excellent values and no other motive other than making CT the best it can be! He is a strong person that wouldn’t play political games. he has my vote and I would help his campaign.

  13. Hu Nhu?

    To hell with experience, which is all most of our career political class can honestly claim.
    I’ll bet on strength of character over experience any day, and in this case Mr. Frantz stands head and shoulders over Mr. Himes.

  14. Cobra

    “You think votes are bought for $2,000? Just that on its own is laughable.”

    JRH–you’re absolutely correct. Himes and other Democrat wombats will sell a vote for a hell of a lot less.

    I’m sure ethically-challenged Charlie the Tax Rangler would do so for even a miniscule tax break on his luxury beachfront villa in the Caribbean. Or sleazeball Dodd…his ethics brilliance extends beyond his shady private dealings to his political behavior, as well.

  15. Wally

    Scott Frantz is one of the most impressive people I have ever met. In my book he is all about integrity.

    Scott has great values and has been involved in business and government for years. While he is only recently a legislator, he has run the CT Development Authority and the Bradley Airport for years. In fact, he was a bright spot at the CDA, at one point bucking its crooked director, and making the sole negative vote for a matter that the Republican leader was trying to push through. That took guts, but was clearly the correct move, and when the s*** hit the fan there, Scott was the only one that came out smelling like a rose.

    Scott is a major philanthropist here in Greenwich, and has taught his children to be good and responsible citizens (btw, his wife Icy is one of the kindest people you will ever meet). Scott and Icy lost a two year old son several years ago, and they have done much for sick children that does not get reported (Scott is a pilot and flys children that need medical treatments around the country at no cost).

    In case you can’t tell, I believe Scott is a first-class guy in every respect.

  16. Fake Walt

    Scott Frantz has my vote. He is one hell of a guy. Don’t be surprised if he makes it all the way to the White House.

    Off to Zurich,

    Kind Regards,

    Fake Walt

  17. I just wanted to mention that John McKinney did not ever attempt to raise ANY money for a campaign against Himes. In order to do so, one needs to form an exploratory committee, which McKinney did not do at all.

    He is a wealthy person like Frantz so fundraising is not an issue. In fact he was being begged to run by national reps. I assure you that Frantz KNEW he couldn’t even beat McKinney in a primary and that is why he did not announce until McK announced that he would not run…starting to make sense now?

    McKinney will Governor of the State of CT soon. Right now the best place for John to be is where he should be and that is being the father to his children in CT every day of the year. Not an absentee father calling his kids from down in DC.

    I wish Frantz luck…but there is no doubt that there was not a stronger candidate possibility than McK and Frantz knows it. That simple.

    I am sure he has already called McK asking for his support because he knows how important that is in the 4th district and all over the State. I think if anyone asked Frantz about McK he would tell you that John will be Governor soon and fundraising is not a concern. Doing the right thing by your family is the only concern for McK and this very unselfish act will be appreciated by his kids someday.