Scott Frantz

My mention of a rumor that Scott Frantz might run against Jim Himes unleashed a torrent of comments from readers, almost all complimentary of Frantz. I don’t know the man, and have met him just once, but I’ve always been impressed by him. Back in the day, when Pal Nancy was President of the Riverside School PTA and was seeking funds to install computers in the school, Frantz was by far the largest contributor and that was, I believe, before he had children of his own. He’s always been known as a soft touch for local charities, doesn’t blow his horn about his generosity and, by all accounts from friends of mine who do know him, he’s a sincere, honest, genuinely nice guy. Why he’d want to pursue a political career with those characteristics beats me but I’d certainly be grateful if he did.

Which is not to say that Jim Himes, another person I don’t know, isn’t also a nice guy, but I see Himes votes and positions and I disagree with all of them while Frantz and I are closer to being on the same page. That may seem likea good reason for you not to vote for Frantz, if he runs, but just becaue I agree with someone doesn’t (automatically) make his position wrong. A stopped clock and all that ….


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6 responses to “Scott Frantz

  1. Fake Walt

    Scott Frantz is one of the nicest and most genuine people I know. This is the begining of a great political carreer which will most likely end in the White House. You can print that. I support him and his family all the way.

    Off to The Seychelles

    Kind Regards,

    Fake Walt

  2. Wally

    I know Scott well, and I’m not sure if this rumor is true (I tend to doubt he’ll do this). But if he does run against Himes (and I hope he does), he would be a fantastic congressman.

    I also know Jim Himes, and while he is an attractive young congressman and an OK guy, he can’t hold a candle to Scott in many areas, but most pointedly he is wrong on the issues!

  3. Stanwich

    “A torrent of comments”? A bit of hyperbole on your part CF. I think the Zip Code Wars thread had a lot more comments.

    By the way, if you really want to get people upset (and drive up those user comments) simply call Lin Lavery a nice, no-experience, community service flunky. Yeah, that’s right, Lin Lavery has no business running for First Selectman! Now comment on that!

    • christopherfountain

      The obviousness of Lavry’s candidacy has escaped me so far, but perhaps she’s been hiding her light under a bushel. Still, I’d prefer Chris Von Keiserling in the First Selectman’s office – fun every day!

  4. Stanwich

    Try sitting through RTM District 8 meetings with Chris spewing about everything he finds objectionable. Most of what he says is valid and I tend to agree with him, but let’s just say he’d be more effective by speaking less.

  5. round hill babe

    Scott Frantz may well be a nice person. He is also a very rich person who inherited his money. I do wonder about some of his philanthropy. He has given millions to Hotchkiss, a boarding school which surely doesn’t need it (endowment well over 300 million). I have a problem with a guy who does that and then, being republican, would probably vote less money for programs in schools that serve underprivileged kids.
    Here is old Greenwich trivia. Scott’s brother, Chris, who tragically died in a helicopter accident, was engaged to Corina Noel before she married the Columbian guy. This was the closest the Noels got to marrying old money.