Jim Himes for school board?

Desparate to avoid losing his seat to Republican Scott Frantz and not content with quitting his job as Congressman and either (a) running for Greenwich Tax Collector; or (b) Governor of Alaska, our Cos Cob rep is now trying to weasel into a position on the School Board. In a memo to fellow Demmerkrats, cleverly drafted to hide his true intentions, Himes pretends to advocate a three (or four, if he can get that Drupals fellow to come out into the light) candidate fight for the two positions on the Board reserved for Democrats. Knowledgeable observers (that would be Edgar Martins) see Himes’ letter as nothing but a ploy to set the local Demmerkrat party against each other, brother against brother, everybody against Chris Von Keyserling, etc. – and in the ensuing confusion, claim one of the seats as his own.

Can Himes handle Board duties as well as those of the tax collector’s? Can even make their meetings if he’s busy skinning mooses in Alaska? Hey, what do I know? I’m still waiting for a board position to be reserved for a Libertarian so we can begin shutting down the entire mess, but the folks at MyleftNutmeg are all atwitter and what concerns them concerns me – sort of, kind of. By the way, I find it instructive that Himes, like all liberals, wouldn’t dream of subjecting his children to the public schools of Washington, D.C. He’s keeping them safe up here, while voting to shut down Washington’s charter schools – can’t threaten those beneficent teachers’ unions, eh?


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3 responses to “Jim Himes for school board?

  1. Anonymous

    Given his strong affiliations with and support from ACORN, it would be great for Greenwich schools if Jim Himes would serve on the School Board … in Detroit.

  2. Anonymous

    Why would he move his family away from their home, where his daughters go to public school?

    That’s sort of a ridiculous criticism. Also, he never voted to shut down DC charter schools. Find that vote, please. You won’t be able to.

  3. anonymous

    Public schools anywhere are about as inefficient, incompetent and for the welfare crowd’s kids as are public housing or mass transit

    Agree, shut public schools down and provide school vouchers to break the worthless unions (which only drive up fed/state income tax rates despite no value provided)