So how does Journal – News reporter Dwight R. Worley rate a NYC pistol permit?

According to an Editor’s Note accompanying this reporter’s article revealing the home addresses of all licensed pistol owners, “Journal News reporter Dwight R. Worley owns a Smith & Wesson 686 .357 Magnum and has had a residence permit in New York City for that weapon since February 2011.” I’d heard pistol permits were impossible to obtain in New York City unless you were Donald Trump or a friend of the Mayor, but perhaps Dwight knows someone. In any event, should you wish to examine his 357, here’s where to view it:

Come steal my gun!

Come steal my gun!

Dwight R Worley
23006 139 Ave
Springfield Gardens, NY 11413

But you might want to call him first to let him know you’ll be dropping in: (718) 527-0832

Coming in from Los Angeles, landing with a couple of keys ...

Springfield Gardens Coming in from Los Angeles, landing with a couple of keys …


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121 responses to “So how does Journal – News reporter Dwight R. Worley rate a NYC pistol permit?

  1. Keep it up. The hypocrisy of mainstream, AKA liberal-progressive, media is always there for all to see.

    • I looked at some of the list by address and know 2 people on it very well. One hasn’t lived at the address posted for 30 years. The other hasn’t lived at his address for 10 years. So, the list is not accurate, and the question should be why doesn’t NY State require these gun permit owners to re-register their new addresses?

      • Anonymous

        They do you have to report moving within 10 days

      • LD

        That is not unusual to have an outdated list. A review of the documents in the file may show that the persons of interest have complied, yet the office help have other more important tasks at hand than to update a list never before or seldom requested.
        Most issuing authorities tell the applicant that their information is public and may be provided upon request by anyone. The pains of a free society – too much information for too many well meaning people (idiots).
        I like it that Mr. Worley can pack heat. It shows that he was giving just freedom and equality. I wonder, did his boss know?

  2. sharon

    Good job! I’m pretty sure I have to Gannett CEO’s home number and address if you want to post it LMK.

  3. Walt

    Dude –
    He probably needs a gun because he is related to that Jo Anne Worley comedian chick. You remember her? She was on that Laugh In show in the 60’s. The ditzy blond who giggled and danced in a bikini.

    There isn’t much of a family resemblance though.

    Other than that, I see no reason this guy should have a NYC carry permit. Other than the fact that rules which these libtards so vigorously enact are not for them. They are for the rest of us. Hypocrites.
    Your Pal,

    • I see no reason this guy should have a NYC carry permit.

      I’ll give you a reason, Walt: He’s a law abiding citizen. Fair enough?

      The real issue is why *only* certain celebrities and liberals have them when others are denied their basic Constitutional rights.

      Cheers and Happy Christmas!


      • Walt

        Yos –
        Yes. Agreed. I am not saying I agree with NYC gun laws, I am saying there is no way this guy should qualify under existing NYC gun laws. Which I don’t agree with. So there is no reason for him to get a permit. Under existing NYC gun laws. Which I don’t agree with.
        Hope that clears this up.
        Merry Christmas!
        Your Pal,

    • Spike

      Naw…this guy is Amish. Joanne wasn’t Amish.

    • Joanne Worley was a brunette. Goldie Hawn was the giggly blond that danced in a bikini. Kate Hudson is Goldie’s daughter.

      Yeah, I’m that old. Sock it to me!

    • parkyakarkus

      -correction: Jo Anne Worley was the tall brunette with the high, piercing cackle; The dancing blond chick with the bikini and body art was Goldie hawn. Happy to clear that up.

    • Steve White

      Jo Anne Worley was black headed ….not black


      Walt… wrong. Jo Anne Worley was not the ditzy blond.
      Jo had black hair. But, you got the TV show correct.

      • W

        The woman you mention was the tall burnett with a beehive hairdo the had a stupid chuckle…. you describe goldie hawn…

  4. D

    Would love to hear comments from anyone who knows about NYC permits. I thought it was impossible too. Might be a difference between a residence permit and a carry permit though…

    • Definitely almost impossible to get a carry permit in the city (except for the aforementioned Trump, Donald) and residence permits are supposed to be somewhat easier, but not much – or that is my understanding. Readers?

      • I tried when I lived on the UWS. Range member at 20-20, spotless record, pass a full clearance check etc etc. Was told that the Department takes the applications, puts them in a box and then “accidentally” dumps the boxes at year’s end, words to that effect. Oh, they’d take my fees, prints and all that. It was totally unconstitutional, but so what? No-one without serious schlep coud challenge it.

        I was also warned that if I got uppity, hired an attorney and pursued the matter I’d have the FBI and the IRS on my back – that from probably the best firearms attorney at the time in NYC. That is SOP in Bloomie’s New York. Solution?

        Easy. We moved out of NYC. Now I take my daughters to the range. (Though, we should’a stayed in NYC. They’re better than I am.)


    • NYC permit-holder

      Anyone without a criminal convinction, an order of protection, a history of mental illness, or a misdemeanor involving domestic violence can get a premises permit in NYC. That it, provided, you pay the application fee and license fee (approximately $700), and show up, in person, at One Police Plaza no fewer than 6 times ((1) to pick up the application (only one issued at a time, no cross-outs or typos permitted, if you make a mistake, you must re-appear in person to turn in the defective application and pick up a new one), (2) turn in the application, (3) get fingerprinted, (4) get interviewed, (5) pick up the permit, and (6) bring the gun in for an “inspection”), and pass your fingerprint/interview sessions with a police-employed bureaucrat. They are supposed to act on the application within 6 months, but try enforcing that. If you sue them because they miss the deadline, they will put your application on hold pending the outcome, which could take another year to 18 months. They also impose a number of totally illegal “requirements” such as an affidavit from your employer and an affidavit from every adult member of your household, and now, an affidavit from a thrid-party agreeing to turn the gun in when you die or become incapacitated. You will then get a restricted premises permit, good for 3 years, after which you will have to pay a license renewal fee and go through (a much less onerous) renewal procedure. In short, if you have a high tolerance for bureaucratic hurdles, you will, at the end of the day, be issued a premises permit. To get a carry permit, you have to demonstrate “need” which is totally arbitrary, or bribe a City Councilman, or be a celebrity or large donor to the mayor (council speaker, comptroller, etc.) election fund.

  5. Libertarian Advocate

    Walt: I’m pretty sure you mean Goldie Hawn….

  6. Dorian

    Posting a person’s face and personal information on your website encouraging your readership to contact them is the lowest (or highest) form of cowardice imaginable. To add insult to injury you decided to add a caption “come steal my gun.” Given the current environment where sociopath’s massacre children and firefighters are targeted while performing their jobs, you’ve chosen to “do your part” by intentionally putting others at risk. Have some decency and take it down…you are playing with fire.

    • These people assembled the names of thousands of law abiding citizens and published them in a easy-to-use form so that one click provides their names and a map to their house, thereby inviting gun thieves to come by and (try to) help themselves. “It’s all public information” the paper says in its defense, and so it is. And so is the information I just published.

      • David

        Dwight or someone that gave him the information broke the law
        A. 9388 2

        11 S 2. This act shall take effect immediately.

      • uncle-buck

        Well done, Chris!

    • Cowardice? No, it’s brilliant. Kudos, Chris.

      • Dorian

        Yeah Pablo…you’re right!!! This is absolutely ingenious! Post an aerial view of a woman’s (the publisher’s) home along with the address which will undoubtedly aid in an attack plot, reference her daughter and allow readers to post suggestions on how best to enter the home without detection! Brilliant indeed! And what’s even better is that Chris bares no responsibility because, as he states, he is only doing what the journal did…post public information in an easily accessible format!!!! Oh wait…but the journal never suggests that the information be used for nefarious purposes…whereas Chris explicitly does (I.e. the “come steal my guns” caption). Oh yeah…and the journal did no put faces to names and pictures of owners homes in essence aiding folks with malicious intent. But whatever…this is brilliant..great job and Merry Christmas!

        • AJ

          What goes around comes around. I have to admire this publisher because it’s rare these days to see somone practice the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto to you. She’s done unto others bigtime, and may she have many happy done unto her in return.

        • Turnabout is fair play. If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Oh, and sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, of course. Clearly, these people approve of publishing people’s personal information. I haven’t heard them complaining about it. Besides, it’s all publicly available!

        • Instant karma. Love it.

        • Mike James

          Gee, I don’t know, Dorian, maybe she should have thought twice before kicking off the whole merry mess.

        • Dorian, please allow me to repeat for your benefit and enlightenment a reposting of the brief comment that I have already posted over at the original Journal-News web article –the article with the map which was Ground Zero for all of this. And then, after you have read my below-comment, please refrain from any further chastisements against the actions of Christopher Fountain until you have FULLY digested the entire weight and seriousness of what I am about to quote to you:

          “Do you have ANY frigging idea how many of those addresses are the non-published under-the-radar addresses of frightened women who fled with their very lives from abusive relationships, and then after secretly relocating and starting a new life away from their abusers, they bought a gun to protect themselves? Do you have any idea how many of those women are now in mortal danger because you went and published this map??

          BTW, Dorian, while my screen name (Edwin Drake) is that of a man, the real truth is that I am a woman.

          You think long and hard, Dorian, about your gross hypocrisy displayed by your coming into this blog site and rebuking Christopher Fountain all the while that you FAIL to likewise rebuke the Journal-News.

          And now I wish to discuss the ethics of the internet in general …

          While the old adage of “Two wrongs don’t make a right” is certainly true and likely applicable in this case on the surface of it all, I personally believe we in the dawning of the 21st century are witnessing –not the infancy of the “Age of the Public Internet,” but rather we are I think witnessing the Public Internet in the throes of the terrible two’s. And a petulant little two-year-old child throwing a temper tantrum while engaging in dangerous behavior needs a good sharp reprimand. Well, in this scenario, the Journal-News is the petulant child, and Christopher Fountain is the wise adult dealing that child a reprimand. And while a stupid adult would try to dictate that the two-year-old merely needs “a good talking to,” a wise adult knows that “a good talking to” is not going to register with any lasting impact to such a young mind. Christopher Fountain’s actions here are exactly that sort of a reprimand needed to make that screaming little child realize how wrong that article was. Christopher Fountain has taken a shrewd action against that newspaper’s reprehensible abuse –an abuse they accomplished via their stealthful inter-mixing of several different and perfectly legitimate legal entities (most notably, the First Amendment and the Freedom of Information Act) to take the frightening power of this fearsome thing called the internet and endanger untold numbers of people. NOTHING that the Journal-News did was illegal. But it was one of those things that absolutely never should have happened. And it needs to be shown up for exactly that: something that NEVER should have happened.

          I think that’s a truth which even a child can see.

        • patriotrefusnik

          Hey Dorian, you bloodless coward, what the heck do you THINK the original journal’s intentions were, if not to frighten and expose lawful gun owners?
          This is EXACTLY why gun ownership should NOT go through a registration process; it becomes public record, and sick perps like this so-called “journalist” can use it for their own purposes. If he can do this, surely criminals can also.
          So I will oppose registration 100% in my state and I would NEVER comply with any law to register my weapons.

        • Dorian, you must not have scrolled through the interactive map that lists all of the females by name and their home address. Probably an oversight by the Journal News idiots incapable of thinking of the danger they put all of these women in. You are only worried about the Journal News females, they created this by their poor judgement.


    • Sue Nahmi

      Liberals dish it out, but are unable to take it.
      Too bad they picked the fight which resulted in his public information being disclosed and widely disseminated.

    • Paul K.

      Dorian, kindly take your objections to those who didn’t care about privacy in the first place. NO MORE MR. NICE GUY WITH YOU LEFT WINGERS!

    • Crazy Walt

      Perhaps you missed the part where his paper posted an interactive map of all of the registered gun owners right outside of the city a few days ago.

    • Archie Angel

      Dorian’s failure to appreciate the irony of his own post betrays his monumental lack of intellect.

    • Sven Sikstu

      Oh Boo Hoo Dorian– ‘journalism’ has descended to a one-way propaganda valve that answers to their masters beck and socialist call… all of a sudden a little tit-for-tat emerges and you wet yer panties? news flash- thanks to Big Education, Big Media & Big Anti-Religion there are millions of Lanzas; values-less, disenfranchised sociopaths BY DESIGN.
      Those firefighters and their families are actually suffering from the flip-side of the libtardian enlightened dogma of no death penalty. Can we publish the name and picture of the judge and jury who were so swell and compassionate for only giving a guy 17 years for murdering his grandma WITH A HAMMER? How about they go pay visits to the families of the slaughtered and injured & explain such wisdom?

    • patriotrefusnik

      Dorian, the idiot is learning that actions have consequences. He outed law abiding citizens and put the safety of their families at risk, and now you worry about that moron? I hope he is hiding out, scared to death, right now as we speak. He deserves to be frightened, truly, deeply, horrified. Maybe next time the POS will think twice about endangering the lives of other innocent people just to make headlines!

    • Brady

      Funny. This guy told the world which residents didn’t have guns so they could be open to home invaders yet you’re concerned for him? Maybe he should get a good taste of what it means to feel vulnerable.

    • Dorian, go sit in the corner while grown up’s play here. The only person who put anyone in danger was the ass xxxx’s who posted illegally the names of people who own guns. What is your address and what valuable do you have in your home so I can post that info like the newspaper did.

      • W

        REALLY? People with NO morale or ethical compass like worley who put thousands of gun owners and their families in jeopardy should at a minimum be treated the same way. Worley put so many people in jeopardy by what he did it is scary. No one steals a gun to collect it, but to use it in a crime. Everyone one has freedom of speech in the USA, but it is not without responsibility and consequences. THIS principle the liberals in this country ignore. BTW, worley lives in a ‘bad’ area of NYC where there are many armed robbers, burglars, drug dealers and murders, etc & the average NYPD response time is around 2 + minutes. Why does he need a gun in his house? The cops will be there in about 2 minutes… so of the addresses he exposed are away from such a great police response and should be able to protect themselves. What GOOD(?) did this article do except to give more murders the chance to commit more murder so the left can scream for more gun control. What’s a few innocent detahs for the liberal’s cause, right comrade?

  7. Anonymous

    Good job Chris! Throw it right back in their faces. Thank YOU!

    • Dave

      Yep I agree! As a southern law abiding firearms owner and active duty miltitary (75th Ranger Regt) with 9 combat deployments, Thank you. It is comforting for me to know my wife can protect our home while I am deployed in the defense of our Nation and if this guy wants to publish my address for that then what is good for the goose, is good for the gander!

  8. Anonymous

    Hey Dorian, what’s the harm in posting that reporter’s contact info? Well gee, what’s the harm in posting thousands of others’ contact info?

    • Dorian

      Anonymous (gotta love the irony), let’s just assume that we all agree that posting people’s personal information is problematic/irresponsible…why then do you post others information (particularly in a far less responsible way) It’s silly. But the real point is that the article doesn’t make an evaluation one way or another about the ownership of guns…it explores what information should/is available to the public in the wake of newtown’s latest tragedy. That map would be useful to a parent who doesn’t want their child around guns or at a friend’s home when their parents are not around because they know they are gun owners. Whether or not you agree with the article, is it really ever sensible to intentionally try to put others in harms way….Encouraging folks to call their homes and pay them visits?!?!?! C’mon…there must be a better way.

      • I get a kick out of the sober, revisionist history at work here, Dorian. Yes, the article was merely “exploring” a question of legal carry with logistical precision in the wake of a shooting in which a deranged guy killed his mother, stole her gun, and went game-hunting for toddlers in a gun-free zone. Rigorous journalism, is all this is! The media warning anti-gun parents, in the wake of an unrelated shooting, that some of their children’s friends’ parents may have been fingerprinted, vetted by law enforcement, and licensed to carry a firearm — and so are a potential threat, likely because once you get a CCW, you of course take to leaving firearms loaded on your kitchen counter! How dare we legal CCW folk take offense! The real offense here is wingnut hatred of freedom of the press. Honestly. We should be ashamed. And take the high road. For the children.

        Unless, fuck you.

      • Pablo

        But the real point is that the article doesn’t make an evaluation one way or another about the ownership of guns…it explores what information should/is available to the public in the wake of newtown’s latest tragedy.

        No, it doesn’t explore anything. It decides what will be public and exposes that personal information to the public. Just like Chris’ posts do, except his work is in the wake of the mass release of gun owner info. Everything seems to be in order here.

      • Dorian said: “the article doesn’t make an evaluation one way or another about the ownership of guns…it explores what information should/is available to the public”

        Wrong. The original article relates a violent criminal act by a man who illegally kept UNREGISTERED handguns. Since the map accompanying the article only includes only *legal* permit holders, it is taking the stance that all gun owners are potentially criminals.

        Even if the map of legal permit holders had been available before this criminal shot his neighbor, it would have been irrelevant since the killer did not abide by the law and obtain a permit and he wouldn’t have appeared on the map.

        The map decided to create treats law abiding citizens like criminals. It serves no journalistic purpose. It only serves to intimidate legal gun owners and embolden criminals.

      • I don’t have a single problem with posting the personal info of a liberal scumsucker who did the same to hundreds of others. Just call it taking a couple of pages from YOUR president’s playbook: “Get in their face” and “punch back twice as hard”.

      • Paul K.

        Hey Dorian, do the letters “KMA” mean anything to you?

      • Anonymous

        Gee Dorian, that is a swell argument, if your a three legged squirrel with a brain bleed, and a nut allergy….. Maybe we should publish a map of ALL non gun owners so the person who doesn’t want their children around guns, can find a gun free neighborhood. Yeah, that seems more fair. Maybe we should publish what school you went to, so people like me can avoid sending my kids their, obviously the do NOT teach common sense! The fact is, Dorian, is if one can justify doing something (anything) then they shouldn’t cry when that SAME something happens to them……..

        • Actually, the non-gun owners MIGHT be those lacking the red dots, but since not all guns are registered, and rifle and shotgun owners were not listed, Dorian might have to live his life in an RV- or a boat off-shore ! And common-sense can’t be taught, it’s a “living-thru-life” thing- unless you confine yourself to mommy’s basement.
          Years ago, as an innocent kid, not yet understanding the real world, my Korean War Marine Corps vet uncle, took me to enroll for boxing lessons at the local CYO in Jersey City. He told me, now it’s time to know about the real world. One shot to the nose, a lot of snot and tears later, it took me one second to learn that the real world wasn’t me playing with my GI Joe’s and Matchbox toys, in the warmth and safety of my home. My uncle told me that I must learn, and be able, to defend myself and those I love. I also learned that that real world can intrude and become an unwelcome guest in my home. When it does, I want to be able to punch back, twice as hard. I’m a former Marine, Vietnam-era, whose taken a lot of punches, given as good and am still able to defend my loved ones, with or without a gun. Yep, in the real world, sometimes common sense does come from a punch in the nose. Peace.

      • There was a better way they could have taken the information down…instead the Journal News hid behind “it’s public information”! They reap what they sow! If a parent wants to make sure that their children are not around guns then THE PARENT can request the information, it doesn’t need to be on a searchable database so that any creep can find it. Dorian I hope that if you live in the area that your home has a firearm otherwise your home is being put at risk, because a newspaper decided that it was morally just of them to print the names of firearm owners and point out which homes DO NOT contain firearms!

      • JustLurkin

        Once again, dum bass, this reporter is so stupid, hardheaded and ill mannered that this would be the ONLY possible way to teach him not to do what you say we (he?) should not do. He did it, so we did it, and then suddenly a t watt like you whines about it. Shut the hell up. We take your point, we don’t agree. We simply don’t believe as he and you do that he is above all of these silly rules for civil behavior.

  9. AJ

    The article you link to “According to an Editor’s Note” mentions that a Katonah man snuck up behind his neighbor and shot her in the head. Well, he could have just as easily snuck up behind her and slashed her throat or hit her in the head with a hammer. You don’t need a gun to kill somebody. Old, arthritic OJ didn’t have a gun, but it didn’t fit so they had to acquit. Is that baseball bat sitting in the backseat of your car a weapon? Might just be if it’s not accompanied by a baseball. My greatest fear is the weaponized tennis racquet — boing.

  10. AJ

    And what’s Dwight R. Worley doing writing anti-gun ownership articles when he himself owns one? Whatever happend to journalistic integrity and principle? What’s good for mine is not for thine? What arrogance. Practice what you preach Dwight and be the first to turn in your gun. Go ahead Dwight, beat it into a plowshare: I know you’ll feel better about yourself. So go ahead and make your day.

  11. ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ!!!

    Christopher…you are a true Brother in arms!! THANK YOU!!!

  12. Pingback: White Plains Newspaper Tries to Intimidate Gun Owners « The Foxhole

  13. AJ

    The next level in self defense — invisibility. You won’t need armed guards; you won’t need to carry a gun.

    ‘Real-Life Invisibility Cloak Claims to Make Soldiers Virtually Undetectable’

    I think there ought to be a law against invisibility. What if such technology were to fall into the hands of a peeping Tom. Will it scare the children?

  14. AJ

    I take that back: invisibility may not be enough; you may need a gun.

    ‘It’s Not a “Fiscal Cliff” … It’s the Descent Into Lawlessness’

    ‘It’s Not a Tax or Spending Problem … It’s a Devolution Into Lawlessness’

  15. Smarty

    Doesn’t he know gun control laws were originally started by Democrats (often with Klan ties) to keep guns out of the hands of blacks & Italians?

  16. Rick554

    While looking at the map, I think if I’m a bad guy, I’d stay outta THAT neighborhood! A Law-abiding gunowner from Ohio! Merry Christmas 🙂

  17. dwight’s phone is not taking m3Ssag3s. wahhhhhhhh!

  18. kidobutai

    all that homey got is a wheelgun? he ain’t on it bro,he needs hisself a chopper. Sorry for the stereotypical verbiage, but thats how the guys I work with talk.

    • Yeah, kidobutal, but it was an “assault wheel gun”, with a pistol grip and everything – probably had baseball cards wrapped around the cylinder to make a whirring noise as he fired. Cool, baby.

  19. Once again, a liberal progressive, a man with his own guns, attempts to control everyone elses ability to have what he has: practical, effective, self-defense. What a vile and disgusting hypocrit.

    • ron nord

      Senator Feinstein is the same, she had one of the few gun permits ever given and the reason she gave to get it was, “I really needed one because I’d been threatened”. She and Janet “Waco” Reno wrote the “Gun Free Zone” law that is getting kids killed all over by making the a target for the whacko’s out there. Nice going ding-dongs, great feel good law, to bad its a ‘little’ flawed.

  20. BignJames

    I’ve got a 686….it’s a nice piece….no you can’t have my address,

  21. Tasmaniac

    What an utterly despicable man. It is apparently fine for him to possess a handgun but he is more than willing to call others for doing so.

  22. RokShox

    It should be made clear that Mr. Worley’s name and address DO NOT appear on the gun map published by the newspaper.

    Rules for thee, not for me.

    • sestamibi

      True, but you are obviously not familiar with the NY metro area. The map showed only those permits issued by Westchester County. Worley lives in Queens (which makes me wonder why he endures the tortuous commute to White Plains), quite a ways away, and his permit was most likely granted by the City of New York

  23. Anonymous

    Hope He Realizes His Listing Includes All The Police Officers, ReTired Police Officers, FBI, Armed Guards and Bank Guards in the Area. We all have to get the same permit, they are not going to be happy when they see the Map.

  24. I noticed Dwight didn’t include his address when disclosing he was a licensed gun owner. He also didn’t bother to list his own address on the interactive map. Coincidentally, he lives in a different county than the law-abiding citizens he chose to expose.

  25. Rufus T. Firefly

    “I’d heard pistol permits were impossible to obtain in New York City unless you were Donald Trump or a friend of the Mayor, but perhaps Dwight knows someone.”

    For the record, and in the interest of accuracy, a NYC residence permit is not impossible to get. The (non-refundable) application fees are quite steep and the administrative hoops that need jumping have been very effectively designed for maximum inconvenience to the applicant. But the process can be successfully navigated for a highly motivated individual who lacks political juice.

    • St

      I went through it. Took about 9 months to get the first letter.

      Application wait period: 6 to 9 months. 6 if you are not terribly obviously hideous.
      Interview comes after the wait. You have to call them to schedule a meeting/interview, and you have to bring 3 character references, all notarized. Depends on how motivated you are at making 3 of your friends write you a reference letter. Let say this takes 1 month.
      Schedule an interview might be 1 week or few weeks away.
      After interview, wait 1 to 3 months to get letter to purchase pistol.
      Pick up pistol, 9 to 12, monday to thursday [not sure about friday] at 1 police plaza.
      Have to buy gun within 72 hours, and after buying a gun, you have 24 hours to bring it back to 1 police 12 noon to 2pm, mon to thurs for inspect.

      So totaling about 9 months to 1 year before you can buy your first pistol.

      It requires quite a bit of motivation and drive to do it. The only reason I did it was just to prove that it could be done.

      And shooting is fun.

  26. No mention of the piece? 686 is a hell of a pistol. You win a lot of gunfights with a seven-shot revolver. Pretty substantial, too, so unlike a Glock, if you run out you can still throw the gun at them.

    I got one for my kid sister. Good trade, you say?

  27. mike

    Just found out! canceled my subscription to this trash paper. Joined the NRA and sent $ 1,000 donation. I thought the NRA were all crazy when they said there was a lefty crazy liberal media, social elite looking to take their gun’s. I guess they just want nuts showing up at their house. The editors of the Journal New just made this personal with every legal gun owner. I hope they like what they started. This has nothing to do with what happened in Newtown. This is unreal !!!

  28. Rich

    When the Rodney “Can’t we all get along” King trial was going on Simi Valley, California one of the Ventura newspapers found out where the jurors cars were parked, took pictures of the license plates, had a friend run the plates and published the names of the jurors and alternates. When the verdict went down the jurors were getting death threats. A family member was one of the alternates. The trial didn’t go the way the liberal paper wanted and there was going to be revenge. This is a divided nation and that is a healthy sign. When you have so many idiots in the press there is no compromise.

  29. timb

    December 25, 2012 at 12:59 pm

    Turnabout is fair play. If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Oh, and sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, of course. Clearly, these people approve of publishing people’s personal information. I haven’t heard them complaining about it. Besides, it’s all publicly available!”

    If turnabout is fair play, Pablo, why don’t you emerge from behind that fake name? Oh, yeah, ’cause when you’re not spending Christmas being a jerk, you don’t WANT people to know who you are.

    Freakin’ hypocrite.

  30. Pingback: Instapundit » Blog Archive » GOOD QUESTION: So how does Journal – News reporter Dwight R. Worley rate a NYC pistol permit?…

  31. Jim Reid

    Lets play by the Libs rules. Lets find out where he and the editor lives and picket their house. Give them a dose of their own medicine.

  32. Ed Ed

    Journal News President:
    —Janet Hasson, 3 Gate House Lane Mamaroneck, NY 10534 (914) 694.5204

    —Cyndee Royle, 1133 Westchester Ave., Suite N110, White Plains, NY 10604, 914-694-9300
    –Nancy Cutler 9 Woodwind Ln, Spring Valley, NY. (845) 354 3485

    Parent company of The Journal News Gannett
    —–CEO Gracia C Martore 728 Springvale Rd Great Falls, VA 22066 (703) 759 5954

    The reporter on the story is:
    –Dwight R Worley 23006 139 Ave Springfield Gardens, NY 11413 (718) 527 0832

  33. Anonymous

    WOOHOO! I called his house, but the phone is constantly busy! Muahaha

    • patriot refusenik

      Yeah, I found the same thing. He’s probably having a load of lovely conversations with American patriots who want to speak with this Benedict Arnold.

  34. dirk diggler

    Janet’s number just rings . . .

  35. Dee

    I think everyone should stop their subscriptions to the paper and not visit any of the sponsors stores/businesses. I say that paper needs to pay for what it has opened up. Shut the news paper down!!!! The way I look at it, is if there is a sign in the window/door that says no weapons, well then they don’t want my business!!!!! Come to my house I have something waiting for you…Want to guess which one I will use?????

  36. Pingback: Journalist Who Published List of Gun Owners Gets Doxxed

  37. patriot refusenik

    Hmmm. I tried to call this dear fellow but his phone was always busy. Just thought I’d have a pleasant conversation about the weather, you know.
    For some reason he appears to not be taking any more calls.
    Bet his wife is really happy about this turn of events (assuming he isn’t gay).

  38. Years ago, as an innocent kid, not yet understanding the real world, my Korean War Marine Corps vet uncle, took me to enroll for boxing lessons at the local CYO in Jersey City. He told me, now it’s time to know about the real world. One shot to the nose, a lot of snot and tears later, it took me one second to learn that the real world wasn’t me playing with my GI Joe’s and Matchbox toys, in the warmth and safety of my home. My uncle told me that I must learn, and be able, to defend myself and those I love. I also learned that that real world can intrude and become an unwelcome guest in my home. When it does, I want to be able to punch back, twice as hard. I’m a former Marine, Vietnam-era, whose taken a lot of punches, given as good and am still able to defend my loved ones, with or without a gun. Yep, in the real world, sometimes common sense does come from a punch in the nose. Peace.

  39. Pingback: El mapa de Nueva York que revela si tu vecino tiene armas o no | NOTICIA LIBRE

  40. W

    The ‘proper’ way for the address to be displayed is 230-06. 230 being the cross street and 06 being the specific house number. Just saying… might as well do it right if you are going to print it.

  41. Anonymous

    is gabelli really on this list? that’s pretty damned funny if so.

    someone oughtta point this blog out to him or make him aware of the issue.

    • I wonder if the reporter is conflating a right-to-own permit with a concealed-carry permit. It can be a tedious process and the license fee is excessive compared to many, if not most, other states, but one can get a permit to own and keep on one’s premises a handgun, though you must carry it in a locked carrying case when transporting it to, say, a pistol range.

      What is almost impossible for the average citizen to get is a concealed-carry permit: a permit that would allow one to carry a handgun concealed on one’s person, outside the home.

  42. Pingback: El mapa de Nueva York que revela si tu vecino tiene armas o no | Punta Cana TV -

  43. voice0reason

    Reblogged this on Voice of Reason and commented:
    Liberal hypocrisy?? Never… Forward!!

  44. Publishing owners names will just create a huge maket for black market guns

  45. TexEd

    Yeah, but has anyone checked to see if Worley is on any sex offender, open warrants, vehicle problem, tax claim, animal violation, or serial whatever list?

  46. MK

    I’m one of those women with a crazy ex-husband who told my attorney and the judge that he would kill our two boys in front of me so I would know how much I had “hurt” him
    I have the ability to defend myself and my sons, but I’ve also moved to a state where we know no one, we’ve changed our names and live in a secured building. Thank the lord I don’t live in or anywhere where the self-righteous, sanctimonious, holier than f’n thou Mr. Worley can decide he knows what’s best for me and my children.
    Karma is a red headed witch with a long memory
    Sleep well Worley