Follow the Money, II

London Carbon Exchange set to cash in on cap and trade bill. Well of course it is, and Wall Street’s already drooling. The Obama – Himes bill will do absolutely nothing to save polar bears but it will enrich Wall Street bulls. D’oh!


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4 responses to “Follow the Money, II

  1. Anonymous

    Our crooked, prevaricating Congress critter Jim Himes received $2,000 to vote for the climate bill that will do nothing but steal our money and our children’s money.
    Himes doesn’t represent Fairfield County; he’s just an errand boy for Nancy Pelosi.

  2. Towny

    Old news………obama helped sandor found CLE.L

    Al Gore and Hank Paulson, along with Goldman Sachs are majority shareholders.

    Old news……….

    anybody think it matters that the stock price saw gains of 1000’s percent.

    nah……wont even make the paper, cause its traded on the london exchange……fugetaboutit.

  3. Anonymous

    How can you say “stock price saw gains of 1000’s percent” ,
    when the share price has halved since August 2008?

    It has doubled in value since Feb 09 and only risen 30% since June 21, 2009.
    Not mind blowing stuff (yet). If I had RISKED $1000 in February, I would have $2000 now. Seems to be similar to the shares on the Dow.

    Won’t get me my well-deserved bonus.
    I can’t see where the 1000’s % increase came from.

  4. China Office

    The sad thing is that a huge number of carbon credits are fraudulent. There are whole teams of ex-UN guys running around China helping various Chinese companies get carbon credits for projects that aren’t entitled to them.

    I have personally met with about 5 different “carbon trading” firms who do exactly that.