Okay, Scott Frantz is not bored

So says this blog, the link to which was provided by a reader. I’m delighted to hear it. I also note that he didn’t rule out running for Jim Himes’ seat, either. I guess my only question for Mr. Frantz is, why the hell aren’t you bored? Sitting around as a minority party member while some of the dumbest people in this state pontificate and dream up new ways to soak Fairfield County residents sounds like a pretty awful assignment to me. Whereas in Washington, you could sit around as a minority party member while some of the dumbest people in the country pontificate and dream up ways to soak the rich. You see the difference?

For What It’s Worth staff photographer Edgar Martins snapped this picture of Greenwich’s State Senator in the Capital today during a mandatory screening of “An Inconvenient Truth”.

Scott Frantz listening to Al Gore

Scott Frantz listening to Al Gore


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18 responses to “Okay, Scott Frantz is not bored

  1. Anonymous

    “…some of the dumbest people in the country”

    I’ll give you state legislators in Hartford, and it’s fine to have arguments over public policy, but the man Scott Frantz would run to replace is anything but stupid. Say what you will about Jim Himes’ politics, but this is a Harvard grad (not Lamont style, either — got there from public school) and a Rhodes Scholar. Our congressman ain’t dumb.

    • christopherfountain

      Thank you Mrs. Himes, but I was under the impression Jimmy’s a graduate of Lawrenceville, the prep school for rich eurotrash and spoiled Greenwich kids, no?

  2. Anonymous

    Actually, absolutely not.

    He was raised by a single mother in New Jersey and graduated from Hopewell Valley Central High. I don’t know where you got the Lawrenceville thing from, but a simple Google search would have taken all of 3 seconds.

    • christopherfountain

      His official bio says he graduated from Lawrenceville. I took that for the prep school in that town. If there’s a public high there also, perhaps he should clarify that so that those of us who have heard of Lawrenceville the private but not Lawrenceville the public won’t be confused.

  3. Anonymous

    so Himes wasn’t being stupid when he wrote to us via Greenwich Time and said there were no earmarks in the stimulus bill?

    he was just lying?


  4. Cobra

    Himes should have stayed in Jersey, regardless of private or public education.

    He would have fit right in with the generally ineffective, inexplicably bizarre Democratic politics of that state.

    Corzine? For an allegededly bright financial services amphibian who bought his position, he’s sure screwing up his state in new and innovative ways.

    Perhaps the Naked Cowboy should aim for office in the Garbage State. Probably overqualified, however.

  5. Anonymous

    Himes is an ACORN guy.
    Yes, the voter fraud group ACORN to which he was happy to give $5 billion of your and your children’s money.

  6. Anonymous

    Chris, I don’t know what “official bio” you’re talking about — the official biography on his House website (himes.house.gov) clearly states he graduated from Hopewell Valley Central High. So does his Wikipedia page. What are you talking about?

  7. Anonymous

    Seriously, you’re not going to admit you’re wrong here?

    Go to the official bio at himes.house.gov, or to the Wikipedia page. The link you cited says he graduated high school in the town of Lawrenceville, NJ — doesn’t say he went to Lawrenceville. I graduated from high school in the town of Greenwich, it doesn’t mean I went to Brunswick.

    Just strange that the information is available at your fingertips, yet because it doesn’t support what you’ve said, you won’t admit it.

    By the way, if Jim Himes going to Lawrenceville (which he didn’t) would bother you, why are you okay supporting Scott Frantz for Congress when he runs a fund he inherited? Yes, there is a politician from Greenwich who is a scion of inherited wealth, but it’s not Jim Himes.

    • christopherfountain

      I’m just impressed with the fact that Frantz attended Wright Technical School , Norwalk Community College and worked his way up as a mechanic at Mercedes of Greenwich. I mean, there’s a blue collar guy!

  8. Wally

    Maybe Himes did a PG year at Lawrenceville after graduating from Hopewell Valley High (it says he “finished” there?) It really doesn’t matter – there is no crime or dishonor in being a son of privilege – only possible dishonor from how you comport yourself in life. And while I would not say that Himes has “dishonored” himself, it is hard to respect many of his recent moves, blindly following Mrs. Pelosi.

  9. Anonymous

    Himes’ mentor Nancy Pelosi is a scion of inherited wealth, and she married into more.

    • christopherfountain

      Our reporter Edgar Martins has discovered that the Himes/Pelosi connection goes back to when Himes, as a 12-year-old, was working on a commercial tuna boat and met Pelosi’s husband, the owner of Starkist. Himes became the man’s boat boy and the rest is history.

  10. Anonymous

    Wally, Chris, come on…this is getting ridiculous. Hopewell Valley High School is in Pennington, NJ, which is near Lawrenceville, NJ, but is not at all Lawrenceville, the prep school.

    This isn’t like researching the Holy Grail…it’s available information. And if you’re positing that Himes is a child of privilege, then it matters to know that he in fact grew up with a single mother in a middle-class family and he earned everything he’s got. Whether or not that’s relevant to his policy decisions, you decide. But you brought it up, you’re wrong, and it’d be the right thing (and easy, too) to do to just say you made a mistake.

    • christopherfountain

      No, Anon, you brought it up. You said he’d graduated from public school, I remembered a Lawrencevlle reference and that’s how we got sidetracked. I don’t care where he prepped and if he wants to hide that fact, fine – it’s his politics I object to.

  11. round hill babe

    Since you guys are so interested in where these pols went to school, I think you should know that Scott Frantz went to Hotchkiss (a very fancy boarding school to which he has given a lot of money also) He inherited lots and lots of money from his mother who was I believe the heiress of IFF (International Flavor and Fragrance). Scott is also a long time member of Round Hill Club and probably be good friends with Walter Noel whom I know you all love and admire very very much.

    • christopherfountain

      Alright, this is positively the last posting allowed on where either guy went to school. Until I change my mind.