Where are those creative Photoshop guys?

Went looking online  for one of those  “Darwin Fish” things that all proper-thinking liberals stick on their Volts, but so far, nothing posted yet that incorporates Obummer’s latest campaign move. Do I have to do everything myself?

Here’s  a lefty version, but I want one with Obama, maybe a rainbow, two kissing cousins, whatever.

Boring liberal claptrap





UPDATE: Wow! NRA (happy to give you full credit but didn’t want to blow your anonymity without consent – let me know. Has produced this:

A work of genius



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7 responses to “Where are those creative Photoshop guys?

  1. Libertarian Advocate

    NRA: Perhaps you can help out our buddy Chris with his quest….?

  2. Anonymous

    The “O” in EVOLVE is just begging for the hopey changey logo. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_BjW1avGcuos/Si4OghT4xlI/AAAAAAAAAPo/852iBYc9J9w/s400/Hope+and+change+BS.jpg

    I wish I were talented and not hopelessly inept with photoshop. 😦

  3. AJ

    Just do a Google image search for blowfish and — there they are: all the bloviating blow fish anyone could hope for and more.

  4. NRA

    Check the emails…

    : ]

  5. Oh, Barry.

    Everyman Outsider or privileged youth and bully?

  6. AJ

    Wow, what a narrative. After a few minutes of listening, I found it very hard to take. I would imagine that anyone who bought the book had to put it down after a while: no one could possibly have plowed through the whole thing. I have to admit, it is slightly better than Sarah Palin’s book (I looked at from an online excerpt) that read like a seventh grade writing project. Obama’s work is a little better: more like a tenth grade writing assignment. My guess would be both were probably written by ghost writers who can churn out a crap book in less than a week (a first draft with basic editing).

  7. Libertarian Advocate

    Maybe Bill Ayers wrote ’em both?