Daily Archives: May 19, 2012

Do you know who I am?

Hey, it works for Martha Stewart


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Back from fishing

Out on the water early this morning with that noted boat owner Lou Van Leeuwen (my best friend whenever he’s filled up his tanks with 200 gallons of gas and has loaded the boat with coffee. Otherwise? Meh – not so much). A fair number of bluefish boated and soon headed for my smoker and one very nice striped bass, approximately 30 lbs., which we released. That size, they’re breeders and it seems a shame to kill them. They’re far better eating than bluefish though so if Lou’s conscience hadn’t been on board I might be dining on bass filet tonight and not oily bluefish. So it goes.

Maybe pictures posted later but if you’ve been waiting for the fish to return to the Sound, wait no longer – they’ve arrived.


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