Political operatives with bylines

CNN (and other members of the independent press) Photoshop the Umpqua shooter to make him look white; it’s all about he narrative. (Thanks for the link, AJ)

It's a miracle!

It’s a miracle!

The proud parents

The proud parents


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20 responses to “Political operatives with bylines

  1. Poor guy.
    White is color of losers.
    He had it made as hero.
    Now who could like him?

  2. uminn65

    I read all sorts of alternative news media, and you are the only source I have seen for this fascinating story. Thank you!

  3. New Buyer

    This link is conspiracy theory bunk and race-baiting at its worst. CNN made a noted effort not to name this killer by name too often, and largely referred to him as “the shooter.” CNN did not even show a picture on Friday and I can’t find this allegedly doctored photo on its website. A quick search of CNN and other sources establishes that the shooter is mixed race and is quite fair skinned; he much fairer than your link suggests. The guy is clearly a mentally/socially disturbed nutcase. The race of his parents and his skin tone is a non-issue.

    • burningmadolf

      CNN named the shooter immediately after the sheriff said he wouldn’t mention the shooter’s name then caught social media hell for it.
      Your definition of fair skinned is interesting.

    • The original, unbleached headshot is the one he himself posted on Face Book.
      Racist? How about the media coming up with the term “white Hispanic” to make the Zimmerman/Martin story fit the narrative of white on black?

      • New Buyer

        Chris, yes or no? Did CNN deliberately photoshop this guy’s photo? That is the specific — and serious — allegation in the article. If it did, CNN deserves to be lambasted. My point is that there is ZERO evidence to support this allegation. There are two main photos of this freak in the media — one from his Facebook page (the one in the link) and one of him in a red shirt holding a gun. I cannot find one example anywhere that any media outlet used an altered, bleached out photo. So who used an altered photo and when? What is the source of this information? Gateway Pundit just reprinted an unsubstantiated story by some random website called the “Conservative Treehouse” with anonymous posters and no named founders. Reliable? No site should throw crap out there that it can’t prove and other sites should not blindly reprint it.

        • Walt

          His mother is black and his father is white. Which makes him as black as Barry. From the Daily Beast, a well respected liberal website:

          The father is being prominently featured on various news sites. The mothers picture is never shown. At best….I SAID AT BEST..The MSM is trying to hide the fact that he is black. And because they only show the father, everyone assumes the shooter is white. Which is what the MSM wants. Because it fits the narrative. CNN claims the shooter is a white supremist, with a deep hatred towards black people. It was on Andersen Coopers show.

          I don’t know if CNN photoshopped his picture or not, but the MSM reporting is most definitely biased. As the Dude pointed out, they made up “white- Hispanic” to fit the narrative. And NBC fired a producer for intentionally manipulating audio tape in the Zimmerman case. They were caught red handed materially distorting the facts to support the narrative.

          So. SO!!! Intentionally leaving out facts, and trying to skew opinion, is the same as lying. Read the crime stories. Any of them. If the criminal is white, they usually print a photo and say he is Caucasian. If the criminal is black, they usually leave that out. Or don’t report it. The MSM is a propaganda tool and a joke. A black male shooter doesn’t line up with the racist Black Lives Matters class warfare agenda, which is what the liberal media and Barry is selling. They want you to believe the shooter is white, hates blacks and is a conservative Republican. ALL 100% factually incorrect.

      • AJ

        And let’s not forget the photoshopped photo of Travon Martin that was used by all the MSM:

  4. Walt

    Dude –

    He had to be white. That is required to support the MSM narrative that white, conservative, Republican males are the root of all evil. They are ALL woman hating, gun loving, war mongering, racist PIGS who must be eradicated. White is TOTALLY politically incorrect in the current environment.

    The new cool is to be a law breaking, lying, anti law, anti white agitator. Like the Black Lies Matter folks. They are fawned over by the press and the politico’s. Even though THEIR ENTIRE CAUSE is based on a lie.

    Today, truth is irrelevant. It is often frowned upon. Political Correctness is all that matters, and at its core, Political Correctness is ABOUT LYING!! Calling things what they are not, sacrificing truth so no ones feelings get hurt. Censorship is better than honesty according to the “progressives”.

    And in this politically correct world, you, my friend, are the lowest of the low. Vermin. Pond scum. You would be anyway, without political correctness, but I digress. A white male, gun owning, conservative, waspy wasp, {employed?}, outspoken “person” is now the lowest rung on the food chain. Well below illegals, who are beloved. You are the ROOT CAUSE of all of our problems!! Wops, spics and even mick’s now outrank you!!

    Welcome to the new normal.

    Your Pal,

  5. AJ

    The LA Times refers to him as a white supremacist and a conservative. It mostly mentions his relationship with his mother who is black, but again, it show a picture of the father, none of the mother, they never show the mother, nor do they mention she was black. They also claim he was obsessed with Sandy Hook and the shooting of the Virginia reporter that is clearly a hoax, something I go into in detail on my own blog. Here’s the LA times link.


  6. AJ

    Here are the two posts on my own blog that conclusively prove that the Virginia Reporter’s shooting was a Hoax. I DEFY anyone to watch all of the YouTube clips presented in those two posts and come up with ANY plausible explanation other than that the Virginia shooting was a false flag hoax.

    My two Virginia shooting posts:

  7. AJ

    Indiana has just passed a law making it legal to shoot cops.

  8. Greenwich Gal

    AJ. – I think you need to take some time off. Take a vacation. Get off the internet and live life. Take up water colors, Tai Chi, yoga….you really need to get out more.

    • AJ

      Too busy putting together some t-shirts to sell on Amazon to take time off. When I get my book sales numbers where I want them to be, then maybe I’ll resume my life as a 100 days plus a year ski bum. Just sold a copy to my doctor — ABC, (A)Always (B)Be (C)Closing. Here buy a copy; you can lend it to your cigarette smoking friends.

      But I take it from your post that despite the evidence you refuse to believe your lying eyes and think the Virginia shooting was for real.

  9. Anonymous

    What’s your explanation for the dead woman? You are a sick person. Get help.

    • AJ

      If you watch the video carefully the reporter is shaking her head just before being shot as seen from one camera and from the other camera she not shaking her head. The woman being interviewed drops both hands down and back after the gun is fired, but from the other camera, she just drops one hand straight down. This is not possible unless they filmed two takes: filmed it once and then the actors got back on their marks and they filmed it over again. Either you did not watch the video or you are a complete moron.