Mary Jo Kopechne was unavailable for comment

messageinbottleBLANKcopyrightObama delivers letter from Kennedy to Pope.


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7 responses to “Mary Jo Kopechne was unavailable for comment

  1. Front Row Phil

    Chris — I hope you enjoy taking these cheap, unconscionable, knee-in-the-groin shots at terminally ill people. Your readers (this one especially) certainly enjoy when you do.

    • christopherfountain

      It was that or say something mean about Maxine again, Front Row, and i didn’t want to stir you up!

  2. BackCountryGal

    Chris, Chris, Chris – you make this blog too easy for us, your fans. First it’s Maxine Waters in all her stupidity; then you give us Teddy Dyke Bridge I Didn’t Know There was Water Kennedy. Maxine may be a moron but better a moron than a slimeball hypocrite like Teddy.

  3. Cobra

    At least Teddy didn’t ask to take a drive in the Pope Mobile!

  4. anonymous

    And why isn’t Maxine a slimeball hypocrite, like any other politician? Admittedly her IQ is prob 20-30 pts below the median politician IQ of maybe 90

    Sadly, she merely reflects her district’s constituents (and/or voters) accurately, like most politicians

  5. Old School Grump

    Front Row Phil, at least Ted had 40 more years to live out before he got the brain tumor. That’s 40 years that were denied to Mary Jo. Justice has not been done in this case, at least not in this world. Perhaps the senator hopes to hire the Pope as his advocate in the next? It is hard to be respectful of the spiritual displays of someone who caused another’s death through self indulgent carelessness and then used his connections to scamper away from any consequences.

  6. Objective

    How about the irony-
    Kennedy’s Passing
    Obama’s Vacation on Martha’s Vineyard
    Mary Jo – There is a triangle. (not to mention prox. of John Jr. crash)
    and, wow, nothing but praise- an American Hero? I wonder.
    It is a lot to process how selective we are in our approval of and disproval of political figures etc. I mean who did Sarah Palin kill. Kennedy- Skakel-William Kennedy Smith-Patrick Kennedy & GW were far from saints – it’s just kind of wierd.