And the nanny state springs forward, again

The-Nanny-StateNew Orleans bans any smoking of any kind, even e-cigarettes that look like tobacco cigarettes, everywhere.

New Orleans passed a far-reaching smoking ban on Thursday that prohibits lighting up in bars, casinos, private clubs—even in the car while waiting in line at a drive-thru.

The ordinance, which goes into effect in 90 days, applies to bars, casinos, parks, private clubs, any business establishment, recreational areas, sports arenas, theaters, and a host of other places.

The ordinance was coauthored by Democratic council members LaToya Cantrell, a former “community organizer,” and Susan Guidry.

Public places include aquariums, laundromats, parking structures, trailer parks, condos, restaurants, shopping malls, outdoor stadiums and amphitheaters, libraries, theaters, lobbies, and more.

The ordinance applies to private clubs, private and semi-private rooms in nursing homes, places of employment, correctional facilities, school buses, and all schools and colleges.

The ordinance goes further to banning smoking in many outdoor areas, including construction sites. Outdoor recreational areas, including amusement parks, athletic fields, beaches, fairgrounds, gardens, golf courses, parks, plazas, skate parks, swimming pools, trails, and zoos, will also be affected.

Smoking will also be banned within 25 feet of parks and bus stops.

Violations are filed as a “public nuisance.” A second violation carries a $200 fine, and a third, if committed within the last year, can be as high as $500. Businesses can also have permits suspended if they allow smoking on their premises.

New Orleans residents will also no longer be able to smoke in their cars while waiting to use an ATM.

Smoking is now banned in “all outdoor service lines, including lines in which service is obtained by persons in vehicles, such as service that is provided by bank tellers, parking lot attendants, and toll takers.”

According to the ordinance, smoking is only allowed in private homes, private residences, and private vehicles, but even they have restrictions if they are used for childcare.

Smoking rooms in hotels will still be allowed, and in retail tobacco stores. However, tobacco retailers will not be allowed to sell products “within 300 feet of any park, church, public library, school, or any childcare facility.”

One smoker said the ban goes against what New Orleans is all about.

“It’s not New York, it’s not Seattle, it’s a party town,” said Elizabeth Stella. “A bar is not a health spa and alcohol is not a spa drink.”


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19 responses to “And the nanny state springs forward, again

  1. Libertarian Advocate

    What’s really funny is that these are precisely the same idiots who want to legalize weed smoking. Are their voters really so stupid that they can’t see the inherent contradiction?

    • Yos

      (phhhhht You’re harshing my mellow, mannnn. (cough)

      • Libertarian Advocate

        Yos: I can’t tell you just how disturbing the apparent authenticity of that comment is. I used to have so much fun taking you to my club on your periodic visits to Green*itch. I’ll miss that.

    • AJ

      Bible Verses That Show us Smoking Pot or Doing Drugs is a Sin

      The Bible gives us several guidelines that can help us identify when a behavior is sinful or wrong. First, we have to obey what is known as “the laws of the land.”

      “Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves. (Romans 13:1-2)

      This is a very powerful scripture which shows us that obeying the governmental laws are, in fact, following God’s will. You may not realize it, but God establishes governments to help exercise his judgements and rules.

      Most countries, including the US, treat smoking marijuana, selling marijuana, and so forth as a serious offense. You could face jail time, fines, and worse. Therefore, since smoking marijuana for recreational uses is illegal, and the Bible instructs us to follow the laws of the land, that goes for pot, too. Therefore, smoking pot is definitely a sin based on this alone.

      And don’t get the idea that just because some states in the U.S. are trying to legalize pot, that this makes it moral. The same states are also trying to legalize things such as same-sex marriage, which the Bible roundly condemns.

    • bakkhus

      I doubt the proponents of this law are advocates for ending marijuana prohibition. Contra the perceptions of many, progressives aren’t generally in favour of ending marijuana prohibition.

  2. Did you catch that they just got 10m to come after our land by way of doing what is best for us?
    Dirty soil Fed. scam outfit was Gruberized before Gruber’s parents met….
    Robert Moses & FDR agreed on little but did go for Soil Conservation Service to snag influence in the boonies because of a drought sequence we are repeating.
    Form Dust Bowl to Pork Bowl…..reject the money ?
    or we will all be part of the Fonda Hillary Movement bragging success line on platform….

  3. Anonymous Citizenette

    Considering New Orleans’ long proud history of crime and corruption, this is the equivalent of polishing a brass toilet handle on the Titanic as it’s sinking.

    Speaking of crime and corruption, please join me in a toast to Preet Bharara. He did what no one thought possible. Next hopefully: King Cuomo II.

  4. AJ

    The entire Twentieth Century was a giant mistake . . .

    “The Epochal Consequences Of Woodrow Wilson’s War

    By David Stockman
    David Stockman’s Corner
    January 23, 2015

    Committee for the Republic
    Washington DC January 20, 2015

    My humble thesis tonight is that the entire 20th Century was a giant mistake.

    And that you can put the blame for this monumental error squarely on Thomas Woodrow Wilson——-a megalomaniacal madman who was the very worst President in American history……..well, except for the last two. . . .”

    • A true “progressive”, he brought us into WW 1 not, he was proud to note, because our national interests were t stake, but to save others. For a progressive, self-interest is a bad thing, altruism noble. Too bad the hallmark of progressivism is the willingness to sacrifice other people for the progressives’ ideals.

      • Cos Cobber

        Must be fun and depressing to live in Stockman’s fantasy world. If we never entered WWI, maybe the socialist forces brewing in Germany and which at taken over in Russia combine to steamroll western Europe. Maybe the monarchies hold. Maybe the Ottoman’s push north after Europe exhausts itself over a very extended WWI. Who the F knows! Its fantasy to think a country such as the US with its large market and natural resources could somehow skate through the modern age as if it were Switzerland.

  5. Anonymous

    These stories make me want to take up smoking again.

  6. kc

    After reading some reporter’s chart of what you can’t do and what you can, who enforces the law and what the penalties are, I guess that I should be ashamed to admit that I couldn’t help but wonder if they’ve figured out how this might affect the revenues added to the city’s coffers. But I guess that’s my cynical side speaking.