News I can’t use

Study: Giving oral sex cures morning sickness. Gotta wonder if the scientist who came up with this wasn’t having er, “difficulties” at home.


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2 responses to “News I can’t use

  1. Libertarian Advocate

    I can imagine Walt’s next post… must be percolating now.

  2. Walt

    Dude –
    Someone needed to do a scientific study to prove this? There is nothing that some good oral sex won’t cure. I have been telling the Hotties this for years!!

    It continues to amaze me how many Women don’t know this.
    In addition to curing morning sickness, it is a scientific FACT that giving BJ’s enhances a woman’s bust size, as it increases their estrogen; it improves their figure, as semen is an appetite suppressor; it clarifies their ability to focus, as their minds go blank while they are engaged in it, at least if they are doing it right; it makes them a better Mother, as they are more relaxed; and perhaps most importantly, it GUARANTEES THEM A PLACE IN HEAVEN!! The last one seems to work best down south for some reason.

    There is actually NOTHING that BJ’s don’t cure!!

    Anyhows, I assume you will post this because I am “on topic”? I miss posting my Daily Olympic Report, but I have no place to put it. You load.

    Your Pal,