No more (local) real estate reporting until Tuesday

GAR Evil Princess putting the moves on Houlton High's Potato King

GAR Evil Princess putting the moves on Houlton High’s Potato King

Our devoted staff at the Greenwich Board of Realtors has closed shop, headed up to Houlton, Maine for an extended holiday weekend and won’t be posting any more real estate news until Tuesday. A reader suggested I dredge up some old postings on houses sold long ago and I might, so check back in later. I’m sure I’ll find plenty of other things to pontificate and huff and puff about while awaiting the return of our GAR friends, but real estate, not so much.

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Filed under Right wing nut rantings

One response to “No more (local) real estate reporting until Tuesday

  1. FF
    Its not so much the voter ID/free drink/sorority sister angle, but the comments are just AWESOME
    Did you ask Walt to come work at Lockwood and Mead?