Which is why we need a new party, free of Republicans

Fat cat conservative

Fat cat conservative farmer

Republican “conservatives” lash out at Heritage Foundation for opposing Farm Subsidy bill.

Business Insider’s Josh Barro:

National Journal reportsthat the Republican Study Committee, a group of conservative House members with deep ties to Heritage, has banned Heritage employees from its meetings. They’re mad that Heritage tried to kill a farm subsidy bill that Republican House members very much wanted to pass back in July…..

In 2011, the Peter G. Peterson Foundation commissioned long-term federal budget proposals from six think tanks spread across the political spectrum, from Heritage on the right end to the Economic Policy Institute on the left. The proposals diverged widely in most areas, from taxes to entitlements to defense. One of the few areas of agreementamong all six proposals was that farm subsidies should be reformed and reduced.


Then, House Republicans separated the bills and passed a farm subsidies-only bill with just 12 Republican defections. Heritage infuriated House Conservatives by issuing a “key vote” against the bill, arguing that it did not align with Heritage’s (perfectly reasonable) principles for reforming and reducing farm subsidies…..

The RSC’s problem with Heritage isn’t that it’s trying to push the GOP too far to the right to be competitive in elections. Their problem with Heritage is that they’re interfering with the GOP’s effort to put special-interest politics ahead of conservative principles.

House Republicans do not actually care about free markets or cutting government. They care about pleasing their electoral constituencies and getting re-elected. Old people tend to vote Republican, which is why House Republicans have built their last two campaigns around attacking President Obama with claims he was cutting Medicare. Almost all rural areas are represented by Republicans, which is why Republicans don’t want to cut farm subsidies.



Filed under Right wing nut rantings

10 responses to “Which is why we need a new party, free of Republicans

  1. Walt

    Dude –
    Did you see this? Greenwich has the most expensive sushi prices in the country!!


    Why do you think that is? Is it because we are a wealthy community and the men get totally hosed in a divorce, thereby driving the cost of getting sushi up? Or do we have a sushi shortage? There always seems to be plenty of sushi available on the Avenue, and God knows you can always get some at the J. Do you like sushi Dude? I love it!! Or are you a shishkebab aficianado? NTTAWWT.

    Anyhows, we all know that sushi isn’t cheap. But can you explain this Dude? Are we just getting hosed here?

    Your Pal,

    • “good afternoon, ladies” said the blind man, tipping his hat (old joke). But seriously, Walt, I absolutely agree that there’s something fishy going on here – prices are scaling new heights, and we’re at sea as to why. My guess is that is is indeed related, as you suggest, to the number of divorced men out there on the dating scene: girls just want to have fin.

  2. EOSredux

    BREAKING NEWS: I just changed my voter registration from Republican to “no party chosen”. [In New York, there is no such thing as registering as an Independent. There is the Independence Party, completely different than being an Independent].

    My Republican-adviser spouse, whose hard work keeps me in houses, gave me a look that would kill. My mother asked what the hell I was thinking. Even the children wondered if I had gone over to the dark side.

    It’s not that I plan to run out and vote for a Democrat, but I was tired of the letters and phone calls from the two sides of the Republicans. Their sandbox antics left me embarrassed to call myself an R.

    These are tough times for R’s. Chris Christie, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, Peter King. Throw Donald Trump into that mix and you have crazy soup.

    • t

      You can no longer vote in primaries. And you are still going to get a mailbox ful of political stuff and phonecalls.

      • Greenwich Resident

        Matter of fact you may even get more junkmail because “both” parties will try to capture your vote. If Dem’s & Rep’s stopped spending so much money on campaigning maybe they wouldn’t have to align themselves with taking huge campaign contributions that ultimately influence their choices when in office. You know the FAT CATS!

        • Remember there is no election. Both parties will get the seats they’ve reserved for themselves, so what, other than funneling cash to political friends, is this farce for?

  3. Anonymous

    The Republicans offer no serious alternative to the Dems. As easily ridiculed straw men for Democratic policies, and complicit in the one-party/two-party illusion to obfuscate real issues the Repubs need to go away.

    No more extra-Constitutional Federal government as social engineers, insurance agency, social welfare agency, and redistributor of wealth and bludgeon of social prerogatives for one group over another.

    For the 21st century:
    Term Limits,
    Balanced Budgets,
    Flat Tax,
    A greatly reduced Federal government and greater States’ Rights,
    Constitutional Fundamentalism.

  4. Pure Fluff

    The Republicans are a bloated failure. They cannot even win in Fairfield County national races (Jim Himes). CT Republicans are particularly clueless and disoriented, having nominated Linda McMahon for the Senate twice. This resulted only in electing Democrats.

    The national Republicans are corrupt failures, sad sacks without the guts to challenge the Dems on important issues. John McCain and Lindsay are traitors, masquerading as Senators. Besides Cruz and Paul, the rest are RINOS at best.

    So, I will not give a penny to any Republicans again. Even if they get elected, they just vote like Democrats anyway. So, you might as well vote Democrat at least you know exactly what they will do. Me, a lifelong voter will not vote for another RINO or wanna be Democrat pretending to be a Republican.

  5. housecat

    What? It’s only “pork” when someone else wants the $ for their state. Otherwise, it is “critically needed funding” for the serfs – I mean folks – back home.

  6. t

    Ron Paul is saying