Language Obama, if not the Russian, can understand


Threat from Martha's Vineyard

Threat from Martha’s Vineyard

Obama: sanctions against Russia “teed up”.  Putin must be quaking.

Obama golfs, Vladimir plays chess.

Double threat from the Vineyard

Double threat from the Vineyard


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6 responses to “Language Obama, if not the Russian, can understand

  1. weakleyhollow

    The Great One IS a frightening presence, especially when on the golf course.

  2. sadly, sadly emblematic:

  3. chimney

    When Putin crosses the RED LINE again, maybe OBummer is going to club him to death- a swing like that sure isn’t good for anything else!

  4. hmmmmm

    The Kerry’s don’t slum it in the Vineyard

  5. Libertarian Advocate

    Hmmmm…. Maybe SCoaMF HAS discovered a latent competence after all. I nominate him for Minister of Silly Walks.