Search Results for: Noel

And Walter Noel skates away, again

News today that the father-son founders of GMB Capital have pled guilty to fraud and will spend five years in jail. What did these guys do? They promised investors that they’d  trade their money using super-secret algorithms invented by the farther, … Continue reading


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So exactly how crooked is Walter Noel, and why is his spawn welcome in even the worst fringes of New York society?

For that matter, why is Walter himself still a member of the Round Hill Club? We’ll probably never know the exact extent of the Noel family’s take from Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme; Noel took in billions, and returned only a … Continue reading


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Walter Noel hits a new low, if that’s possible

Not content with defrauding his customers to the tune of $400 million with his “Leave it to Bernie” investment scam, Walt’s been hiding behind the plantation shutters in his Mustique cabana “Yemanja“, snapping pics of the Royal Couple and selling them … Continue reading


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Walter Noel sent his regrets

Bernie’s brother Peter trips the light fantastic at his grandaughter’ Rebecca’s bat mitzvah before reporting to Otisville for a ten-year visit. Rebecca is the daughter of Peter’s daughter Shana, legal counsel and compliance director – no, really, this is true … Continue reading


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Walter Noel throws a 4th year anniversary party at Round Hill Club

  December 11, 2008 was the day Bernie Madoff was arrested and Walt’s Greenwich Fairfield Madoff Fund Feeder closed its doors so abruptly. Bernie’s life has been constricted since that sad day but not Walt’s, who continues to globe trot … Continue reading


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Where in the World are Walt Noel’s daughters? Here’s one of them, freshly removed from Nodding Hill to Parsons Green and shy a bedroom

FWIW spies are everywhere: Here’s the latest from a Craig’s List – type bulletin board in England, wherein Ariane Noel Sodi seeks domestic help. We are a brazilian/italian/ american family looking for full time, mainly a live in housekeeper. I … Continue reading


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We may not know exactly where Walter Noel is but Mitt seems to have been located

  “Goat Man” spotted in Utah. A man spotted dressed in a goat suit among a herd of wild goats in the mountains of northern Utah has wildlife officials worried he could be in danger as hunting season approaches. Phil … Continue reading

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So why is Walter Noel still sunning by his Round Hill pool?

For that matter, why is Ruth still enjoying her stay in Old Greenwich? Peter Madoff, brother of Bernie and former compliance director [sic] for Madoff’s security firm, will plead guilty tomorrow. Ten year sentence, disgorgement of $143 billion dollars (which presumably he … Continue reading


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Walter Noel is still good for entertainment value

Class action settlement reached for some of his defrauded South American victims. (Warning: “article” is just a press release from the plaintiff’s lawyers). South American drug dealers’ money, probably, and I’m rather surprised that they’d resort to our court system to … Continue reading


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Noel, Noel, Noel, Noellll?

Where’s Walto? No, not our Walt but the Round Hill Road guy with all that money. I’ve heard complaints from his neighbors that nothing has changed at the Noel residence. The expensive cars still come and go, parties are held … Continue reading


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I think I wrote about this already, but a nasty Noel story is always worth repeating

Marissa Noel sued for stealing someone else’s jewelry designs. The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree, and all that.

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Madoff trustee begins Round II : clawback suits against Noel’s clients

“Invested” with Walter Noel? Brace yourself, Bridgett, Picard is coming after you. Walt’s friends at the Round Hill Club are going to be really pissed.


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Walt Noel dodges a bullet

Appellate court tosses out the town of Fairfield’s suit against him. It was a bullshit claim to begin with – Fairfield never invested through Noel’s firm, they just said that Noel helped the fraud which he did, of course, but that … Continue reading


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Bad news for Walter Noel and his suckers

Judge rules that clients of feeder funds aren’t entitled to repayment from Madoff recovery. Some direct Madoff investors are on target to get at least 75% of their money back but people who entrusted their money to Noel’s Fairfield Greenwich Group … Continue reading


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If it were my money her daddy had stolen, I’d be pissed. Marissa Noel continues to kick up her heels in NYC high society photo. Noel, left Anorexic slut. (H/T, reader SW)


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Walter Noel is still on the hook

Madoff Trustee, Fairfield Group liquidator agree on settlement. That might at first blush sound like good news for our Round Hill resident but then there’s this: The settlement allows the liquidators of the Fairfield funds to work together with Picard to … Continue reading


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Didn’t someone ask what Walter Noel was doing these days?

Man caught peeing on cough drops at Walgreens.


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Poor ol’ Walt may (or may not) be under the weather with terminal cancer, but it’s not slowing down Marissa Noel from enjoying spending stolen loot

Horse Jock sends along this inspiring picture of the rich bitch having a grand time with other folks’ money.


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Walter Noel

This is not news I want to hear- it’s fun to pick on crooks, of course, but I really don’t wish ill on anyone, even a fool like Walt. Submitted on 2011/04/01 at 6:21 pm Inside sources have told my … Continue reading


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Madoff kids going down – is Walter Noel next?

Madoff trustee sues Sonja Kohn for $19 billion, alleging that she was Madoff’s accomplice for twenty years. Yesterday, he filed a similar suit against the Madoff boy’s London shop. The criminal investigation is still ongoing, but we’re talking RICO violations here, and it won’t … Continue reading


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