Disagree with Obama? You’re a racist!


Here comes the Prez

Here comes the Prez

4th of July float carrying an outhouse labelled “Obama Presidential Library” is the most popular float in the parade, but critics – of course – say it’s racism.

Personally, I think making fun of the reigning monarch is exactly in keeping with the spirit of our Independence Day celebrations, but I’ll concede that some might consider the float to be a protest that’s disrespectful of the office of the presidency (those same people would have been Tories back in 1776, but never mind). But racist? The only possible reason for even bringing up the subject of race here is because the current president is a white-African American. Mocking him has nothing to do with his race unless, of course, that’s the only significant thing about him.

Which, come to think of it ….


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6 responses to “Disagree with Obama? You’re a racist!

  1. Peg


    It’s the equivalent of the 4 year old who puts his fingers in his ears and says “La la la; I can’t hear you.”

    Obama’s “you are racist” cohorts who use this for his entire A-Z horrors apply it because they refuse to actually address the acts, the argumentation, the facts, etc. Instead they’d rather hurl the horrid accusation of racism – especially since it’s really the first time they’ve had the pleasure. (Sorry first black president Clinton.)

    In essence, they are saying that there is literally nothing that anyone can say to criticize this man. It appears no matter what it is – we hear the “la la la – RACIST” from them.

  2. Al Dente

    Here’s Bob, the unintentional racist:

  3. if you do nothing but complain, life will always be unfair

  4. Anonymous

    Racists always accuse others of what they’re guilty of.

    Read Robert Caro, there was no bigger racist than LBJ, but the Dems needed the black vote.