Land deal on North Street

487 North Street

This beautiful old mansion sits on 14.8 acres across from the Dingletown / North Street intersection. The house needs a complete renovation, but what the heck – it started off at $23.5 million in 2005, dropped to $13 million, eventually, and was then pulled from the market. Neighbors on Flagler Drive, which it abuts had sued the heirs over a proposed subdivision but that’s apparently been resolved and they’re back before th P&Z for final approval of a five-lot split. I think there’s an opportinity here.


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5 responses to “Land deal on North Street

  1. InfoDiva

    I know I’m showing my age here–but damn, I wish that place could stay just as it is. The last twenty years have not been kind to Greenwich’s streetscape, and that property was a wonderful reminder of the way things used to be.

  2. EOS

    This house embodies Greenwich, The Old Days. I can remember way back when, driving by that house, thinking, oh my, what a grande place. It has such impeccable lines, such stature and grace. I would love nothing more than to be the one who brings her back to her former beauty. I bought a PowerBall ticket today while getting gasoline.

  3. Rob Purdy

    I think a private plane crash landed in the backyard maybe 40 years ago. The Dingletown kids would play football in that enoromous back yard

  4. lopsided fred

    If I’m not mistaken, they used to have cows and chickens back in the thirties. I just cant seem to remember their name. We were just talking about the house across the street……come on chris help me out….the pink house. The one with the pool table in the entry foyer. Fun family. The daughter and her family lived there and the parents across the street. What were their names………….?