Peter Pfabe returns

Peter Pfabe reflects on the errors of his ways

Peter Pfabe (or Peter Graves?) reflects on the errors of his ways

Last I heard about this man, he had plead guilty and was headed for jail. Specifically, Pfabe pled guilty to mail and wire fraud in exchange for a $200,000 forfeiture and a prison term. He was released just 4 days ago and now that he has access to a computer again, he’s already complaining about what we wrote about him at the time of his plea. I’m happy to prominently post his protest, but I have no idea what he thinks I did to misrepresent the facts or besmirch his character. Perhaps he’ll clarify.

Mr. Fountain:
You and I have had our differences before, I have kept our written remarks in a file only because I found it so unlike a professional journalist to break his promise. Water under the bridge and no longer important.

What is important, however, are your remarks of March 7, 2012. I was, as you can imagine, somewhat preoccupied at the time and did not have time to discuss this matter with you earlier.

Your remarks — might I suggest calumny — fell far short of accurate, as they have before. This time, however, they fall far closer–one might say they fall into–an area of libel.

You might imagine that while in the “pokey” and in particular the “pokey” I went to, one has the opportunity to discuss such matters with some rather under-worked attorneys. Nothing quite like the law library in the “pokey.”
Mr. Fountain, asking you to revise the posting of March 7, 2012 would require you to do some actual research which you won’t do; asking you to repost it with accurate statements would highlight your inaccuracies to your “public” which you also won’t do; which leaves a final suggested route: remove the posting altogether. If history is any guide, you may SAY you will remove the post, but you won’t, and then merely poke fun once again at me and my ex-wife.

All of wihich leaves me in a position I find unpleasant. I would rather not have to request the posting of March 7, 2012 be removed, but I would rather you do your research considerably better. I have learned enough about you to know that there is only one route this will take–I wonder if you will prove me wrong.

Mr. Fountain, bottom line: Either the posting is removed with immediate effect, or I will endeavor to have it removed with a most prominent apology.

Peter Pfabe


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21 responses to “Peter Pfabe returns

  1. anon

    odd that he has no probation post incarceration that would ban him from using the computer for x#/years. that is common when someone has been charged with mail and wire fraud. you can find his probation restrictions online but if he was just released, those restrictions, if there were any, take a while to be posted.

  2. Gary misch

    What could you have said of him? That he was the prince of darkness? That he was a father raper? Poor little bugger.

  3. So, I assume you will not run into him watching prince Harry play polo at the Greenwich Pllo Clib?

  4. Walt

    Dude –
    Who is the “pfrossional journalist” he is referring to? I thought this was a letter to you? You are Chris Pfountain, right? And what pfromise did you make?
    And this guy seems to have a pfroblem with the word “pfokey”. Would he have pfrerred “club pfed”?
    And what is wrong with pfoking pfun at someone? Last time I checked that wasn’t illegal.
    So if he can’t take a little good natured ribbing, well pfuck him.
    Your Pfal,

    • AJ

      Walt, you being the Seven Billion Dollar man, somewhat reminds me of the Six Million Dollar Man, and how that makes you 1000 times plus pocket change better, stronger, and faster.

      As you can see from the video, Walt runs so fast that they have to show it in slow motion, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to see him at all. Apparently, he also likes to listen to bongo music whenever he goes running. And what are all those strange noises whenever he jumps, throws something, or his eyes focus in on some object.

      At around 2:08 into the clip Walt starts talking to the Bigfoot about wimmen, and for some reason this riles the sasquatch up, and now he’s got to fight this smelly predeccessor to the Wookie.

      At 5:40 Walt rips the Bigfoot’s arm off and, holy crumoly, the damn Sasquatch has got a bionic arm, once again proving Dollar Bill wrong: robotics do have a future in hamburger flipping.

      • That is truly impressive. You think running in slow motion is easy? Try it someday, just don’t blame me for any injuries.

        Also, those sounds are from some form of electronic arthritis. Mr. Austin should visit his doctor/mechanic (or mechanic/doctor) immediately.

        This scene also reminds us that playing baseball is not much fun at all — when you’re the ball. Steinbrenner must’ve missed this scene, or he would’ve signed Sasq to DH for the (pardon my French) Yankees.

        • AJ

          You can do the slow motion run on sand (at normal, medium speed). Don’t lift your heel but keep your foot parallel to the sand as you push your leg back. It feels kind of cool, sort of like you’re floating, and you don’t waste a lot of energy pushing the ball of your foot into the sand.

  5. boredatwork

    Walt cracks me up. I am sitting here chuckling away, and getting funny looks from my fellow cubicle dwellers. Thank you.

  6. sunbeam43

    Walt is, by far, the best medicine on any day!

  7. AJ

    … In addition to the foregoing, the Court must order restitution as specified below.

    In consideration of the defendent’s plea to the above offense … for CONSPIRING with others to commit …

    Finally, a conspiracy that’s not a theory — I’m not worthy. Wow!

  8. AJ

    Whoa: schooled by jailhouse lawyers! Sort of reminds me of Barbara Clay, Attorney at Large, getting her “David Boies” on.

    “…I am not aggressive, I am smart. I gave Chris fair opportunity to correct and do the right thing. He chose to be a rather unpleasant person who will not correct the record. When people hurt people and lie, I get my “David Boies” on …”

    Hope you’re wearing a hardhat whilst doing your combat blogging.

  9. ShedLessToolMan

    Walt fan club member.. That guy can really make me laugh..

  10. anonymous

    Pfade to black.

  11. Anonymous

    Why would you post a photo of Arsene Wenger with this?