That’s probably it for the year

At least for real estate – the MLS is shutting down shortly and there’s not much to report. Check in for a few political rants if you’re so inclined  – I’m bound to have a couple. One final sale,  59 Park Avenue South, in Old Greenwich. This house just keeps selling, despite what I believe to be a building lot immediately next door (otherwise, it’s a nice property). Sold for $2.287 in May, 2007, resold for $2.375 six months later and now has yet another contract, asking price $2.295. Proof that Old Greenwich, at least, has held its own over the past four years.

Happy New Year to all.


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5 responses to “That’s probably it for the year

  1. You haven’t said peep so I’m a little uncomfortable asking, but any update on your mom?

    Happy New Year to you all as well.

  2. Anonymous

    @Daniel, that’s hilarious, I love those Aussie RE videos, and JtR at bubbleinfo could be a west coast honorary Fountain. 😆

    If Chris started blogging video ads like those he could sell Walt ten houses in the first week and Cobra may find out he has a desire to move sooner than he thought!

    For myself? Clive the pool boy almost makes the house worth it. Oh my.

    Happy New Year to all!

  3. Peg

    Just about everyone in my 300+ agent office is delighted to say “au revoir” to 2011. No guarantees about the future. But, to say that this has not been a stellar year for those of us pushing homes is quite the understatement.

    Four houses on my 26 house cul de sac/development have been on the market for OVER a year. None of the sellers can get it through their skulls apparently that we ain’t getting close to 2008 prices in 2011. A few friends have said to me, “why don’t you have any of these listings?” Of course, there are details like “well, they are listed with the agent who sold it to them….” Still there are also details like “why would I want to have to market/promote and work on a property that is at least 20% overpriced (if not more) owned by people who are not yet ready to face reality”?

    Anyway. Happy 2012 to Christopher and all the other characters who frequent here (even YOU, $Bill!)

  4. Chris – You are missing the story about the New Canaan boss who hired an assistant to be around for threesomes and then said she stole from him when she overpaid herself for extra time. I figured out the guy is a trader who the CFTC banned for illegal forex trading
    But still don’t get how this trader didn’t realize $170k was missing for a year.